Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Charleston, why I will miss it so

I was driving to work this morning with my windows down and the radio blaring and I was thinking about how excited I am to move to New York and then it hit me I’m leaving Charleston, I’m leaving my home the one place I know like the back of my hand. My excitement quickly faded away and was replaced with a deep empty sadness; I began to think about my friends that by the end of the year will be spread across the country and how this summer I want everyone to get together for one last shindig, and how this past weekend Ashley and I went to the Market and how I found a ring that I want to buy before I leave so I can wear it always and have a little piece of Charleston with me. I began to wonder what my very last day will be like in Charleston, what will I do who will I see where will I go for the last time? Yes, I realize I can visit Charleston, but it won’t be the same and I know that.
So I have taken Ashley’s list of things she will miss about Charleston and edited it to reflect what I will miss.
a. Folly Beach. I grew up going to Folly Beach literally grew up going to Folly Beach. I can remember this one time when I couldn’t have been more than 4 years old, it was in the middle of winter and my mom had gone to Columbia to take the CPA exam so my dad picked me up from Kindergarten and took me to the beach. He bundled me up in my big purple winter coat (I love purple) and we went out to Folly Beach so I could play in the sand. I can remember it like it was yesterday I was so happy to be at the beach in the winter time.
b. The little painted boat on your way to Folly. This boat has been on the side of Folly Road since Hurricane Hugo in 1989. I don’t know when and I don’t know why, but people started painting the boat with birthday wishes, marriage proposals, graduation congratulations, and anything else you can think of. When I was 16 one of my good friends at the time painted the boat for my birthday, I still have the pictures some where.
c. Tom and Jerry’s on Folly Beach which is now Bert’s Market. I don’t remember when exactly it changed names, but it did. The name change was almost symbolic of my maturing Tom and Jerry’s was where I went with my Dad as a child after he dragged me away from the beach for a blue Nehi (does anyone remember those, do they still make Nehi) and a pack of candy, Bert’s was where I would hang out on any given summer night when I was 15 with my group of friends hoping we could convince someone to buy us a 12-pak or, now that I’ve stopped hanging out there and only stop by on my way to the washout, to legally pickup a 24-pak, a cup of boiled peanuts and an egg roll
d. the washout. the guys, the tans, the surfers, the sun, the water. Nothing like it.
e. Palm trees, oak trees with moss, Dogwoods, long grass, and wild flowers the vast open spaces that make Charleston so appealing to so many
f. Boiled Peanuts and beer from the Peanut man.
g. The Blind Tiger, Vendue Inn, Tsunami, Boulevard Dinner, Poe’s, Red’s Icehouse, Doe’s Pita, Eastbay Deli, Kickin Chicken, Mellow, Gilroys even Mad River. All the places I like to go either to drink, eat, or just hang out
h. Shrimp and grits. southern made shrimp and grits.
i. boys in sperry's, seersucker, rainbows, bowties, madras, crokies, costas, out on the boat with tan lines from their costas and crokies. It’s so wonderfully southern and so wonderfully charming. You cant beat a southern boy
j. 75 degrees in November. 75 degrees in March. 95 degrees in June
k. Riverdog's thirsty thursday games. $1 beers. grilled out hotdogs and turkey legs. I remember when the Riverdogs use to be the Charleston Rainbows (they changed their name for obvious reasons) I can remember running around under the bleachers chasing boys I liked and trying to find foul balls at the old baseball stadium
l. My family, my friends, and my cat
m.King Street, its one of the main streets in downtown Charleston so much is there
n. Carolina Cup: I won't be around to witness the event that is Carolina Cup. Horses, beer, and coeds dressed to the 9s in southern attire.
o.Carolina Gamecocks and college football season.
p. All the people that know me anywhere I go on a usual basis.
q. People with state flag paraphernalia, South Carolina is like no other state in that we have turned our state flag into a fashion statement
r. The Battery, Rainbow Row, the Market, McLeod, and all the history that makes up Charleston
s. Ability to leave my purse, belongings, car door, front door open and no one steals anything.
t.7 minute drive to work, 10 minute drive to the beach, 12 minute drive to downtown, 15 minute drive to mt. pleasant, and 20-30 minutes to go anywhere else I may want to go.
u. Going out on the boat almost every weekend to Capers Island. beer, water, fun and the sun.
v. Trivia at Kickin Chicken....fun while it lasted.
w. Walks along Waterfront
x. Being able to drive when ever I want, having the windows down and my hair blowing with the radio turned up way way too loud
y. Never actually having to use a winter coat.
z. Southern hospitality

Putting all these things aside I couldn’t be happier and more excited to move to New York, I’m ready to actually feel like I’m living my life. So look out New York here I come with my lovey by my side.

Monday, March 26, 2007


The following is a list of questions and a brief explanitation when necessary I would like to ask, but would never ask because its rude.

1. Why are you so stupid?
No explination needed
2. Why are you so slow?
I dont like people that are slow do whatever it is you are doing with a sense of urgency damn i dont have all day
3. Do you realize what you look like?
No explination needed
4. Do you actually do anything with your life or do you just bitch about being really busy and and so stressed out?
I work, I work extremely hard and I have a lot going on so it drives me crazy when someone that I know has nothing going on in their life bitches and moans about being soooooooo stressed out and having no time to do anything or get anything done. Get a real job get some real responsbility and then come talk to me about stress, but until you do that I dont want to hear about how you are so stressed out because "OMG you had to like work like 2 hours today, and you're just so tired"
5. Do you realize that there is someone sitting next to you on this plane and that someone is me and you are not only taking up all of your seat, but you are taking up at least 1/4 of my space too?
Just for the record I'm referring to the person that sits down and spreads themself out. Legs apart arms open wide and not just on the armrest put over the armrest on to my side and not just the forearm I'm talking the full arm all up in my space.
6. Why do your parents continue to pay for things even though you are doing nothing with your life?
I understand if your parents help you out and you are an active member of the working society trying to make something of yourself, but I dont understand why parents continue to support their kids when they litterally aren't doing anything with themselves aside from spending money they dont have and pissing their worthless life away.
7. Did you not put DO on this morning?
No explination needed
8. Is it really that hard to make a sub sandwich?
Why is it that it seems you have to have a phd to be able to make a freaking sandwich? It's not that hard I'm actually telling you exactly what to do, but yet for some reason you cant seem to follow the simply instruction of NO Mayo or ONLY oil, and if you do understand what I'm saying it takes you about 10minutes to actually make the sandwich. I cant stand that.
9. Do you not realize there are other people on this earth and the world doesn't revolve around you? It revolves around me, duh.
10. Why are you wearing Heeleys?
I dont like them I think they are weird.

That's enough bitchyness for now believe you me given recent developements it could have been much worse, and i've already eaten my lunch so I have nothing to look forward to. Oh wait Black Donnelly's is on tonight thinks are looking up.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Being in Public

We all go out in public every day of our lives, but for some reason I seem to have an issue with going out in public and forgetting that I am indeed in public, and other people have eyes and ears and they can see me and hear me. It's especially bad when I'm alone. Let me paint you a picture of me shopping alone:

Walk, walk, walk enter oh I don't know Urban Outfitters, and I'm walking around looking at things maybe pickup a skirt and a top, and then uh oh, oh no what is that that I've just touched, its something horrible looking. So instead of simply putting it back down I feel the need to say out loud "Ew gross" make a face, look around, put the item back down, and then in a large sweeping motion whip my hands off because I've just touched the offensive object, and why did I do this whole display of disgust, because I have simply forgotten that I am alone and in public. So basically I talk to myself in public. Yes, that's what I do, and its not just when I'm shopping.

I find myself discussing with myself what I want to drink at the gas station or what I want to eat at the grocery store, and its not just talking to myself I like to dance in public as well.

Take the other day when I was at Publix ALONE getting a wrap I was waiting for the women to finish and I just started dancing around. It wasn't over the top booty dancing or anything but I was visible dancing to the music in my head like a crazy person. HELLO, Sarah what is wrong with you? Am I the only person that does this?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What lunchtime means to me

To me lunchtime is more than just about eating. Its about those rare 10-45minutes through out my busy day where I can just sit back and do what I want, despite the fact I'm still in my office. In my office we don't get a designated lunch break so I've designated one for myself. I check celeb gossip, I ready cnn.com or usatoday, I read a blog or two, maybe start a blog or two, I do a little shopping maybe pay some bills (not likely, but maybe). It all depends, but regardless of what I am doing the one thing I can tell you I am not doing is work. Yes, sometimes I don't get to take my self appointed lunch break because there is so much going on, but on those days that I do I take pride in everything from my lunch decision to my mindless wondering of the Internet.

In fact lunch to me is the most important meal of the day, it helps me break up my work day it gives me energy for the gym later on, it's what I live for.

I've decided to try the cereal diet for no other reason than the fact that I have to stop eating all this crap that I eat, and for about 2 minutes I thought about replacing lunch with a bowl of cereal, and that made me so sad. So instead today I went to Jason's Deli and got a big tasty salad at first I was rather disappointed, because I kind of wanted the turkey sandwich, but I pushed through and now I am almost done with my salad and damn it was good.

I'll let you know how the cereal diet goes. I'm projecting it to go rather poorly since my will power when it comes to food is about a -85 on scale of 1-10.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What I would do with a million dollars

The first thing I would do with a million dollars is pay off my mass amount of debt that I have. You see in a matter of several years I have been able to rack up oh I don't know a crap ton of debt, yes some of this is student loans, but a lot of this is credit card debt because I love shoes, and purses, and dresses, and skirts, and coats(I have like 12 different winter coats, and I live in Charleston, SC), and getting drunk and buying shots. I would mail a check to American Express for the full amount that I owe them with a note that says something along the lines of "Suck a D" or something like that, and then mail several other checks to pay off my student loans, but these would be void of notes telling them off.

The second thing I would do is pay off my parents house and buy them each a new car, because duh they have done so much for me. I don't think I really need to elaborate on this one. I was young I totalled some cars more than once, I lost a scholarship and yet they still love me and stick by me despite everything, and buying them each a car is the least I can do.

I would then buy something really cool for my brother. I don't know what that would be, but something really cool. Maybe a hooker. I'm just kidding. He doesn't get a new car, because after all it is only $1 million, but I would buy him something he really wants.

I would invest a lot of it. Probably in some low risk stocks, because I'm lame. But this is the responsible thing to do and as you can see by the #1 thing I would do with my new found riches I'm trying to be responsible.

I would take my friends on vaka. Again no where like Dubai (Sorry Kerrington), because a million smackers wont buy what it use to, but some where fun and on the beach with an amazing night life. I'll take suggestions if you have them just in case I really do get a million dollars I'd like to be prepared.

After getting back from my week long vaka and sporting my new tan I'd go on a shopping spree. I'd buy several amazing outfits form Saks or Neimans or where ever the hell I wanted, and then go to Gucci and buy a beautiful wonderful Gucci purse and then I'd go to Christian Louboutin to buy a beautiful pair of shoes that could double as a piece of artwork, next stop on the Sarah Pittman shopping spree is Tiffany for a nice piece of jewelry that I can wear all the time.

I'd buy something special for Ashley, but I'm not going to say what that something special is, because I want it to be a surprise.

I would then get a really amazing person to teach me some guitar lessons, because I have a guitar, but cant play it worth a crap, and who doesn't want to be the guitar guy/girl at the party. Hello, Mike Birbiglia song (thanks Ash and Erin (he's a guy even though he spells it like a girl)) I know I do.

I think that's pretty much it. In case you were wondering, since I'll be living in NYC when I get my million I'm not going to buy a car, because that's just too much what with parking etc, maybe I'd buy a Vespa instead. If a Vespa's cool enough for Darren Silverman than a Vespa is cool enough for me.

Monday, March 19, 2007

My first blog

Ok, this is my first blog and I'm not gonna lie to you I'm a little nervous. This is like making a first impression or my blog coming out party (yes, I'm southern thank you). So I thought long and I thought hard about what my first blog should be about, and I've decided to pull a Seinfeld and make it about nothing. This is going to be a blog about nothing. Just my random thoughts on things. Sort of a get to know me entry if you will.

First thing is first why I decided to go with a blog vs. a live journal?

I was all set and ready and one click away from doing a live journal when I was reliving a conversation I had with my bff/hlp/lovey Ashley about her friend, Intern Josh, and how he made fun of her for having a live journal (no offense to anyone with a live journal, our good friend Jayson has a live journal, pete wentz has a live journal(i just made that up, but whatever)). Anyway so I didn't want this guy that I don't know, but will know soon because we are all going to be friends when Ashley and I move to NYC to think I was uncool, because I'm not so I went with the blog. Despite the fact that I know nothing about what I'm doing and this is apparently much more confusing than a live journal. But I'm taking a chance I'm living on the edge. So we shall see how this goes.

I can relate 99.9% of everything in life to either Seinfeld, Friends, or Sex & The City. I think Seinfeld is probably the most genius show to ever be put on the air. It's a show about nothing that's really about everything. I love good tv. I'm currently obsessed with The Black Donnelley's on NBC, if you havent watched it you must, Mondays at 10pm.

I dont like spelling it's not my thing. So please dont correct me on my spelling mistakes no one at this party likes a smarty so keep it to yourself. I dont want to be mean and I welcome your comments, I just dont need a lesson on spelling (Ashley are you reading this?). I've been to school I'm done with that. Besides I'm a very busy person that doesnt have time for silly things like spelling.

I tend to ramble on and on and on about nothing rapidly jumping from one conversational item to another and then coming back to something we talked about 15 minutes ago. It's called ADHD, I'm going to try and keep that to a minimum, but please forgive me if I a. go of an a wild tangent about who knows what or b. completely change the subject mid story because something i just wrote reminded me of something else.

My writing is a mirror image of how I speak and act so I apologize to anyone that doesnt know me I realize I may seem a bit weird, hard to follow, and crazy. Dont worry it's not you it's me.

I would also like to offer a blanket apology to anyone that reads this I do not mean to offend anyone. I have a lot of opinions some of which many people wont agree with and I just want to offer the apology for offending anyone. I also tend to drop the f bomb a lot again im going to try and curtail that for these purposes, but it happens, and last but not least I project there being a lot of blogs that surround drunken debauchery . . . never mind scratch that apology anyone that has an ish with drunken debauchery shouldnt be reading my blog.

Likes and Dislikes

Likes (in no particular order):
Carolina Gamecocks
Pictures that I actually look good in
Turkey Legs
A Winning Bracket
Not Working
Celeb gossip
Lunchmeat (thats my cat)
Living in a Fantasy Worlds
Creating new and exciting Fantasy Worlds for myself to live in
Lazy weekends
New things (kisses, clothes, cars, etc)
Being Southern
Being Opinionated

Dislikes (again in no particular order):
Not having any money
Working out
Being tired
Chapped Lips
Stupid people
Waiting in line
Waiting period
Clemson Tigers
Being Hungry
Unfunny people
Overly critical people
Pictures that i dont look good in
People wearing masks

I think that's pretty much everything. Look out Internet blogging world here I come.