Friday, August 31, 2007

Yet another reason why VW sucks

I recently received a recall notice from VW something about a plastic tag on the windshield washer switch that rubs against the FUEL LINE and can cause FIRES. FIRES. So I call the the VW place and say the following:

Me: I'm calling about the recall on my 2006 Jetta
Woman: The brake light recall?
Me: What? There's more than one?
Woman: Oh, what recall are you calling about?
Me: The FUEL LINE FIRE recall. Is there something wrong with my brake lights?
Woman: Well we don't know we will have run the vin number.
Me: Fine I'll bring it in whenever

Um, excuse me so not only is my car going to set on fire my freaking brake lights don't work. What fine fine piece of equipment I have purchases. The only good thing VW has to offer are the commercials.

On a much more pleasant note Carolina Football starts Saturday. 7:00pm Carolina vs. Louisana-Lafayette. Find a bar with Game Day and watch it.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Justin Timberlake + drinking = puking in the car

I recently went to NYC to see Justin Timberlake at Madison Square Garden with my friend/coworker, Jackie and Charles the intern. Jackie and I started the trip out by staying at The Hotel on Rivington, a hotel that appeared to be in the ghetto. Not having a clue as to where I was even though I go to NYC quit a bit the graphite and what I could only assume where gang members hanging around lead me to ask at least three different people if I was going to get shot because I wore the wrong color. We quickly realized we were not in the ghetto we were on the Eastside, my favorite side, so my spirits were some what raised despite the fact that the room was extremely sparse and not at all the luxurious accommodations Jackie and I are use to (we travel in style bitches). Jackie and I decided to dine in style before the big JT concert so we went to Pastis, perhaps you have heard of it. Before our entrees had arrived Jackie had already had at least a bottle of wine and I was busy drinking as many Brooklyn Brown Ale's as I could pour down my throat. Before leaving we had to finish the dinner off with a champagne toast and a cheers to the good times.

We made our way to MSG just in time to order a few beers and hear the very end of Good Charlotte. I could personally care less about Good Charlotte hence my nonstop yelling for Nicole Richie to come out while they finished. JT got ready we drank more beers, JT got a little more ready we drank a few more beers. By the time he came out I was less than sober, some may even have called me drunk by they were just jealous of the awesome time we were having. So I'm there rocking out, Jackie, Charles the intern and I are living life and loving it taking pictures singing songs dancing dances and drinking beers when all of a sudden this bitch behind me asks me if I can sit. I turn around and she repeats the question.

Bitch: Can you sit down?
Me: Um, no we are at a concert you should stand up
Bitch: There are sits for a reason
Me: What part of concert dont you get? You stand at concerts
Bitch: Why don't you go have another drink
Me: Maybe I will

I'm sorry #1 you are at a freaking concert stop being 85 years old with a walking and stand up or go home #2 was telling me to have another drink supposed to have been an insult? Bitch please.

Not wanting to disappoint the woman behind me I had another beer or two. The three of us (me, Jackie, and Charles the intern) hung out for a few more songs before deciding that JT wasn't all that exciting. In hindsight I see that leaving half way through may have been a regrettable decision, but whateves I didn't pay for the tickets. So we leave and we go to some bar I don't know the name of it, but it was fun at least I think it was fun. The highlight of my night after the JT concert was profusely apologizing to Charles because I spilt/dumped beer on him. To be honest I thought he was going to do it too and it was really only a little bit of beer.

The next morning Jackie and I sleep until they basically threw us out of the hotel. We get our shit together and walk across the street to this fab little Italian restaurant where we indulge in these wonderful squishy white bread sandwiches and panini sandwiches. Now had I known what was going to happen an hour later I would have not eaten the sandwiches, but I didn't know.

Jackie and I are in our car going to the airport when I start to feel very very very sick, I'm having cold sweats and doing some serious deep breathing, it's taking all I have to convince myself I can wait till I get to the airport, and all of a sudden it hits me like a ton of bricks I'm going to puke. I look around the driver doesn't know what to do we are on the damn bridge he cant pull over his back windows don't go down all of the way and right when I couldn't wait any longer Jackie pulls out a damn Tupperware container. Thank you Jackie thank you Jackie is all I can say and think. Needless to say we rode the rest of the way with the windows down. Why she had a Tupperware container in her bag I don't, and to be honest I really don't care. I made it to the airport threw up three more times and ended up having to stay the night in NYC because of weather.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Weird and Wonderful

I am weird I embrace being weird and wouldn't want it any other way. I think it would be unbelievably boring to be normal. Below is a list of things I do that make me weird.

1. I like to paint my toes crazy colors, even though everyone hates it I still love it, it makes me happy.

2. When I go to the bathroom at work I like to dance around. We a single person bathroom in my office and I like to dance in front of the mirror. I don't do this every time maybe 7 out of every 10 times.

3. I like to talk in weird voices all of the time, it makes me laugh.

4. I like to skip instead of walk and tend to do so on a frequent basis. I think skipping is a much happier form of movement than just plan walking.

5. I talk to myself, not in the actual I'm having a conversation with myself sort of way, but in the just random comments sort of way.

6. I like to dance when there is no music in public places, like the sandwich line at Publix, or the gym while pumping some iron, or while shopping for some threads.

7. I don't like sock feet. Most people think socks are comfy, but they really freak me out I don't know why but they do.

8. My closet is organized by type of clothes then by color, but the rest of my room is a freaking disaster area.

9. I don't eat chicken on the bone . . . oh wait that's Ashley never mind.

10. I named my cat lunchmeat

11. Probably the most telling of everything on this I was extremely disappointed that my list only contains 11 items.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Dont Ever Buy a Volkswagen Unless You Want to Spend $16,000 on a Piece of Crap

I, in case you didn't pickup on it, own a Volkswagen Jetta. I bought this car ok I leased this car (thank goodness) in March 2006 and since then have had nothing put problems. No, I haven't had any real mechanical problems, I did have to get new brakes a month ago, but apparently that was my fault whatever. The problems that I have been having with it are stupid things, but things that should not be happening to a new car. For starters the paint was peeling around my door and when I called the dealership they told me the VW rep was going to have to look at it and just to make things real convenient for everyone he only comes to town once a month. Excellent! I have nothing better to do I'll just sit around and wait for the rep to come to town and hope that you know I'm not traveling for work or anything because you know people don't have lives. So I bring my car to the dealership and the girl that handles the warranties tells me it will be covered by the warranty, but the rep still needs to look at it. Great fine whatever just fix it. I leave my car return to work and wait to hear what they are going to do to fix my car. Only the call I receive is from Christy, the warranty bitch, calling to tell me that the rep says it's not covered under my warranty and he will fix it for free but only this once and it's obviously happened because my rings or my purse are rubbing against the door. I am unbelievably infuriated at this crap she is feeding me, and feel it necessary to address this situation with the rep himself as he is obviously a giant ass and needs me to set him straight, but I cant talk to him because he is on his way back to whatever hell hole he crawled out of. So I make it very clear to Christy that my purse would never touch that part of the car and even if it did it isn't made out of steal wool and would not do that, and I'm sure every women out there would be pleased to know that according to Volkswagen because I'm a woman my car is going to fall apart. I then ask her if I am just never supposed to touch this part of the car because you know it's so fragile the paint might peal and I guess this millions and millions of cars out there that this has never happened to is just pure luck. I make it very clear to her that this is a manufactures defect I don't appreciate being talked to as I were a simpleton and will believe anything she says and if this happens again they will fix it for free, because I'm sorry the last time I checked paint isn't supposed to peal after a year and a half. So they order they part and a month and a half later it comes. (P.S. they were supposed to call me when it came in, but they never did and also never returned my many phone calls to the service department.) I drop my car off to get the paint fixed and my oil changed (oh yeah I have to get my oil changed at the dealership because only vw sells the oil filters so i have to pay $65 every time i want my damn oil changed). So they fix my shit and I think ok good I'm done with that no more problems with my car.

I boy was I wrong this part in the front of my car that snaps in, it snaps in I'm sorry what kind of lego car is this, keeps coming out. Whenever I take it by the dealership, who by the way hates me, they say oh that it just snaps in and out FUCK that I don't want a car with pieces that snap in and out I want a car with pieces that stay put.

Well today I walk out to my car to go get lunch and what do I see, but the "A" from the word "JETTA" is falling off my damn car. I don't drive a "JETT" ok I drive a "JETTA" and I want it to say "JETTA". Now I understand that none of these things effect the way the car runs, but I'm sorry I don't want my car to look like crap. This is the first brand new car I have ever owned and I want it to stay nice as long as possible. So I now have to call the dealership and get them to fix this, when will this end I ask you? I'll you when this will end it will end when my lease is up and I return that car and give everyone there a big fuck you.

Just for record I'm leaving out the three times I had to take my car to get it looked at before someone actually said the rep had to look at the paint or the rude sales person, or the idiot that told me my brakes were just dirty because he didn't actually feel like looking at why they were making a horrendous grinding noise and allowed me to drive off the lot in my death trap car with no brakes.

So basically the moral of this story bs & gs is don't buy a Volkswagen. The sales people suck, the service people suck and are stupid, and everything will go wrong with the car that can possibly go wrong.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Back in the Saddle Again

As many of you know I have been planning for some time now to move to NYC, well my friends those plans have fallen through. I wont get into why, not here not now, I want to instead focus on my new direction in life and that is school. As many of you also know I have been less than satisfied with my current career and have been desperately looking to change the path of misery that I am currently on.

I have decided that I no longer wish to be a member of the rat race of the corporate world, I no longer wish to kiss the asses of the over indulged. I no longer wish to yes when all i want to say is NO. I don't care any more about the powerful people that I have meetings with, or the 1,000 person dinners in NYC or Washington, DC or where ever that I put on, or the trips that I get to take. None of it means anything if I'm truly unhappy, and folks I hate to say it but I am. Now not being one for bitching without doing something about I have decided to, drum roll please,


It is very interesting when I decided to move to New York every person I met was supportive and told me I would love it, I would do great, New York will by my lady, but now that I have decided to teach the support comes in waives. I hear a lot more you wont like its or you'll get boreds than anything else, and that always amazes me. How can anyone think teaching could ever be boring? I say to these people you are wrong you will see, and if you aren't wrong and I hate it I'm still young I'll just change careers again. I, however think that this is it for me. I have always found teaching appealing. It has nothing to do with having summers off, I could care less about having the summers off to be honest, I want to be a positive influence in someones life that may have no one. I want someone to one day look back and say "Ms. Pittman, she was my favorite teacher, she changed my life."

Obviously quitting my job, oh did I leave that part out? I'm quitting my job so I can go back to school full time, don't worry I wont need any of you to support me I plan on getting a bartending job at a very nice restaurant in Charleston (thanks JT). Anywho so I will need school supplies below is a list of things I will need. Seeing as I am starting school in January that will give all of you plenty of time to purchase at least one thing on my list.

Lisa Frank Trapper-Keeper
Mead 5-Star notebook
At-A-Glance Day Planner
Bic Colored Pens
Bic Regular Pens
Laptop (I think I want an Apple because they look so snazzy, are they compatible with Microsoft Word?)
Color Printer (Do they even make b&w printers any more)
College Rule Paper
Pencil case with the mushy top and the drawers that opened with the buttons
#2 Yellow Pencils
White Out
School shoes
Starbucks Gift Card (Matt I realize you no longer work at Starbucks, but if you still have the hook-up hit a bitch up, you know wha I'm sayin)
Printer Paper
Stapler with staples
School Party Dress (I love a good party dress)
Ink for my new printer (ink type obviously dependent on the type of printer)
Pencil sharpener
Calculator (I don't plan on taking any math courses, but I like to be prepared)
Free money

Buy me one thing from my list hell buy the whole list or just tell me you are happy for me.

Look out College of Charleston Sarah is back.

FYI I posted this picture, because it was taken when we were in college, do you see the connection? Plus I think we look cute as all get out.