Monday, March 26, 2007


The following is a list of questions and a brief explanitation when necessary I would like to ask, but would never ask because its rude.

1. Why are you so stupid?
No explination needed
2. Why are you so slow?
I dont like people that are slow do whatever it is you are doing with a sense of urgency damn i dont have all day
3. Do you realize what you look like?
No explination needed
4. Do you actually do anything with your life or do you just bitch about being really busy and and so stressed out?
I work, I work extremely hard and I have a lot going on so it drives me crazy when someone that I know has nothing going on in their life bitches and moans about being soooooooo stressed out and having no time to do anything or get anything done. Get a real job get some real responsbility and then come talk to me about stress, but until you do that I dont want to hear about how you are so stressed out because "OMG you had to like work like 2 hours today, and you're just so tired"
5. Do you realize that there is someone sitting next to you on this plane and that someone is me and you are not only taking up all of your seat, but you are taking up at least 1/4 of my space too?
Just for the record I'm referring to the person that sits down and spreads themself out. Legs apart arms open wide and not just on the armrest put over the armrest on to my side and not just the forearm I'm talking the full arm all up in my space.
6. Why do your parents continue to pay for things even though you are doing nothing with your life?
I understand if your parents help you out and you are an active member of the working society trying to make something of yourself, but I dont understand why parents continue to support their kids when they litterally aren't doing anything with themselves aside from spending money they dont have and pissing their worthless life away.
7. Did you not put DO on this morning?
No explination needed
8. Is it really that hard to make a sub sandwich?
Why is it that it seems you have to have a phd to be able to make a freaking sandwich? It's not that hard I'm actually telling you exactly what to do, but yet for some reason you cant seem to follow the simply instruction of NO Mayo or ONLY oil, and if you do understand what I'm saying it takes you about 10minutes to actually make the sandwich. I cant stand that.
9. Do you not realize there are other people on this earth and the world doesn't revolve around you? It revolves around me, duh.
10. Why are you wearing Heeleys?
I dont like them I think they are weird.

That's enough bitchyness for now believe you me given recent developements it could have been much worse, and i've already eaten my lunch so I have nothing to look forward to. Oh wait Black Donnelly's is on tonight thinks are looking up.


Anonymous said...

AMEN to the infinity power plus 1. I mean you know I would write a blog about it, but the person in question in about 78 of those are about someone who may or maynot read my blog.
hey remember that time that your stupid ass couldn't handle 9hrs, you complained about having to work from 9-5 ONE day, and your parents gave you everything even though you're a worthless member of society?
omg just thinking about it sends me into a tizzy. I'm surprised when I was drunk I didn't say "oh yeah i have no sympathy for you"

Tanya said...

I have a friend like that. She always complains that I never hang out with her. I work 6 days a week and hate when she whines about the manager not letting her leave early and made her stay because we got busy. *rolls eyes*