Wednesday, April 4, 2007

My fantasy mailbag

Ok if Josh whatever his last name is should be happy that I remember his first name, can have a mailbag then I can have a fantasy mailbag. I love fantasy worlds I constantly live in like 7 fantasy worlds so this is my fantasy mailbag. In this world my blog is so popular that I get so many questions it takes me weeks to read them so here is a small sample of some of the questions I have received thus far.

Q. Why am I so wonderful?
A. Because I am, I dont have a real answer or real reason I just am. Sometimes I think wow is it really possible for someone to be this weird oh wait oh the word was wonderful yes thats what I meant wonderful, I'm wonderful not weird no I'm not weird at all. Next question

Q. Will you have my babies?
A. Um, no I appreciate you thinking of me, but I dont think I can do that. I have a strict no babies for strangers policy and I'm sorry but you are a stranger. Again thank you for asking though.

Q. What will you be doing this weekend?
A. I will be in NYC with Ashley. Ok that question wasnt very interesting I just wanted to tell everyone that I will be in NYC this weekend. It's Ashley's first trip. Who's excited? I am

Q. What is the real Sarah Pittman like?
A. Complete and total opposite of what you read in my blog. I'm shy, not funny, dont like to drink, hate curse words. This is all a facade. Thanks for asking, and thanks for bringing up the fact that I'm actually painfully shy.

Q. Will you marry me?
A. How much money do you make?

Q. You seem like so much fun do you need a partner in crime I would be honored to hang out with someone as assume as you?
A. Thanks I like to think of myself as fun at least I always have fun when I'm with myself, but I actually already have a partner in crime, Ashley. We do however recruite when we meet someone worthy of the Sarah/Ashley assumeness, but I cant promise anything.

Ok folks that's it for now keep the questions coming and I'll do another mailbag.


Regina Filangi said...

um assumeness? is that your new way of spelling awesome.
Thank you for the shoutouts yo. I'm ever so popular these days, so you might need to call my assistant to schedule when to hang out. oh wait, thats you who keeps ignoring my emails.

ps im doing a blog about our recruiting schedule. look for it.

The Franchise said...

Im pretty excited i got a shout out...however i have not yet written my mailbag post, but when i do lookout world...or something less gay

Tanya said...

Here is a real mailbag question.

Do you have any pets? How will the adjust to life in the big apple? Actually some animals really enjoy apples so that could be a really positive change for them.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.